Dear Howley families,
What a week we have had weather wise - the rain seems to be timing itself to perfection at drop off and pick up times!
Weather aside, we have had such a super start to this year. Our children have settled into their new classes really well and are working so very hard. Next month, we will have the pleasure of telling you a little more about your children’s leaning and friendships at our Parents’ Evenings. On Thursday 17th October, teachers will be available for face to face meetings and on Tuesday 22nd October, they will be making phone calls for those of you who prefer this type of appointment. Details on how to book and appointment times will be with you as soon as possible, so please keep a look out for the emails next week.
Thank you so much for your patience with school lunches this week. Unfortunately, the kitchen team were absolutely decimated by illness and truly did the very best they could given the very challenging circumstances. I am glad to say that everyone is now on the mend.
I would also like to say thank you to those of you who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning, whether that be through donating cakes or stopping by for a coffee. Together, we raised an amazing £195.52 for such a brilliant cause which I am sure has touched all of our hearts. I must add that the event would not happen without the hard work of Mrs Clifton, Miss Williams and our parent volunteers- a special thank you goes to them for helping us all to make a difference to others.
There is always a lot of information to add to our newsletters, we do hope you find them interesting and useful throughout this coming year.
Wishing all our school community a very happy weekend.
Take care,
Miss Lewis
Junior PCSO
Before the summer holidays children in Y4 were asked if they wanted to apply for the position of Junior PCSO. We were so impressed with how many applications we received but unfortunately we could only have a team of 10. These ten children, now in Y5, have started their training with PCSO Nathan Fung and have already completed three sessions. They have had training on the phonetic alphabet as well as road safety and safe parking. In the next few sessions, they will be completing two neighbourhood walks, one with a road safety / parking focus and the other will be helping the community by litter picking. We are very proud at the professional attitude our team have shown throughout and know they will be positively contributing lots in the future.

Scooters and Bikes
Just a reminder that for everyone's safety, we ask that children who travel to and from school on bikes or scooters do not ride them around school at drop-off and pick-up times. We have had a few near-misses and want everyone to be safe.

Blackheath Food Hub
The next distribution at UKIM Blackheath, 318 Long Lane, Blackheath B62 9LD is on Saturday 28th September from 11am - 12pm.