Our Governing Body members are drawn from a range of backgrounds. We have staff and parent governors and members of the local community who bring their particular skills to the role. The diversity of skills, experience and expertise we possess as a whole enables us to challenge, support and complement the work of our school. The Governing Body meets as often as required, meeting once each term as a minimum.
Our membership structure is currently as follows:
- 5 Co-opted governors
- 3 Parent governors
- 1 LA governor
- 1 Staff governor
- Headteacher
- Deputy Head ~ Associate
Name | Appointment date | Term of office (in years) | Date stepped down | Who appointed | FGB attendance % | PPF attendance % | Cur attendance % |
Mr S Wigley | June 2023 | 4 | Co-opted | 66 | 66 | 100 | |
Role of Chair | June 2023 | 2 | Governing Body | ||||
Mr S Baird | November 2020 | 4 | Co-opted | 66 | 66 | 66 | |
Role of Vice Chair | July 2022 | 4 | Governing Body | ||||
Miss A Lewis (Headteacher) | September 2015 | Ongoing | Governing Body | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Mrs M Reyner (Staff rep) | January 2025 | 4 | School Staff | ||||
Jayne Griffiths | June 2022 | 4 | Co-opted | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Mrs M Woolgrove | June 2022 | 4 | Co-opted | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Mrs E Perry | February 2019 | 4 | Co-opted | 66 | 100 | 66 | |
Clare Wooley | September 2024 | 4 | Parents | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Mrs K Trueman (Deputy Head - Associate) * | September 2016 | Ongoing | Governing Body | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Miss E Williams (Assistant Head- Associate) | January 2025 | Ongoing | Governing Body | ||||
Mrs K Figgett (Clerk) | Full Governors | ||||||
Miss L Bennett (Clerk) | Committee Meetings | ||||||
Mrs J Peacock (Clerk) | Committee Meetings |
- Voting rights: Full Govs - No / Committee level - Yes
Much of the work of the Governing Body is carried out at committee level. We have two specially tasked committees in place who work to specific terms of reference and a scheduled programme of meetings. Specific governors are named members of these committees, however, all governors may attend these committee meetings if there is a relevant point of interest. In addition, we also have statutory committees in place for the purposes of pay, performance management, disciplinary and dismissal matters. Governors have specific responsibilities and curriculum links attached to their role and visit the school on a regular basis, meeting with staff and pupils.
The role of school governor is on a voluntary basis and the usual term of office is four years, which may be extended upon re-election. Parent governors may complete their term of office once their child has left the school.
Current Committee Structure
Governor Name | Role | FGB | PPF | Curriculum |
Mr S Wigley | Chair of Governing Body | X | X | X |
Mr S Baird | Vice Chair of Governing Body | X | X | X |
Miss E Williams | Chair of Curriculum | X | X | X |
Mrs E Perry | Vice Chair of Curriculum | X | X | X |
Jayne Griffiths | Chair of PPF | X | X | X |
Mrs M Woolgrove | Vice Chair of PPF | X | X | X |
Miss A Lewis | Headteacher | X | X | X |
Mrs K Trueman-Brown | Deputy Headteacer (associate) | X | X | X |
Curriculum Committee
The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to monitor the teaching, learning and pastoral provision across the school. The committee meets termly as a minimum.
People, Premises and Finance Committee
Our PPF Committee is tasked with monitoring finance, buildings and estates, health and safety and personnel matters. The committee meets as often as required, meeting on a termly basis as a minimum.
Whole School Community - Our Role
As a Governing Body, we believe that parents, carers, pupils, staff, governors and members of the wider local community all have an equally important role to play in the success of our school and we value the contribution of our whole school community enormously. Your views are important to us, and we are always happy to hear your suggestions for school improvement. If you would like to pass on a suggestion, or if you are interested in finding out about how you can help our school by becoming a governor, our Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office for further information.
Name | Specific responsibility area |
Mr S Wigley (Chair) | Business / Financial / Other Interests |
Curriculum and Health & Safety | |
No business or financial interest | |
Mr S Baird (Vice Chair) | English |
No business or financial interest | |
Miss A Lewis | Headteacher |
No business or financial interest | |
Mrs K Trueman-Brown | Deputy Headteacher |
No business or financial interest | |
Miss E Williams | Staff Governor |
No business or financial interest | |
Mrs E Perry | SEND and Health and Wellbeing |
No business or financial interest | |
Jayne Griffiths | LAC/ Safeguarding/Child Protection/Behaviour and Data |
No business or financial interest | |
Mrs M Woolgrove | Numeracy |
No business or financial interest | |
All governors abide by our Governors' Code of Conduct
All our governors are contactable via the school office