Anti Bullying - Wellbeing Warriors

Howley Grange shouts 'No!' to bullying
Here at Howley Grange we take pride in the anti-bullying work that we do to ensure all pupils feel safe, happy and knowledgeable on how to recognise bullying. As part of this work every year, pupils in Y3 - Y6 are asked to apply for the role of ‘wellbeing warrior’ and a group are chosen. They are expertly trained in peer support, including resilience and assertiveness before then being timetabled for slots on the playground. We have also included extra training on how to support others with their mental health using SUMO (Stop, Understand, Move On). They will then be out on the bustling playgrounds at Howley Grange, dressed in stunning high visibility jackets. Armed with only a notebook and a listening ear, this team of fully trained children aim to support their peers experiencing friendship problems.
The ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ are only part of the school’s work on tackling and reducing bullying. We also have an anti-bullying steering group who will meet each term. This is made up of adults and pupils, and it is leading the school through an ever improving process. This includes policy and procedural reviews, a curriculum review and training. You will see evidence of our work in anti-bullying newsletters, assemblies and the Twitter feed, as well as in our learning environment. We have exciting times ahead as we work together in our school community to ensure the school is a safe and happy place for every single one of our children.

Let's celebrate!
Mrs Trueman-Brown and Miss Adams are leading our Anti-Bullying work in school, along with the steering group, made up of a variety of school community members. We have written a detailed action plan, which covers all aspects of school life. If you would like to know more or need any help with anti-bullying issues, please contact Mrs Trueman-Brown or Miss Adams.
Since we began our efforts we are pleased to announce that we have achieved the Gold Level Award from the Anti-Bullying Alliance. We are currently going through the process for this to be revalidated.

We have also achieved the 'Dudley Anti-Bullying Accreditation' in recognition of our continued work ensuring children come to a safe and secure environment.

Useful Resources
There are some very helpful resources online that can give you some detailed information about bullying and what can be done to prevent it.