Our Parents’ Evening booking system is now live. In recent years, we have been operating a blended approach to Parents’ Evening with a mixture of face-to-face and telephone appointments. Whilst we recognise that there is now a stronger move back to face to face appointments, feedback tells us that there are some families who continue to prefer phone calls. With this in mind, we have increased the number of face-to-face appointments available.
For those of you who would prefer a telephone conversation, we have scheduled 5-minute appointment times on Tuesday 12th March from 4.30 to 5.30pm.
On Thursday 14th March, we will be offering 5-minute face-to-face appointments from 3.45 to 6.15pm for those of you who wish to come into school, look through your child’s work and speak to their class teacher.
If you would like to book an appointment please log in to School Life and make your booking via the Parents Evening icon. Please ensure that you have booked by Friday 8th March at the latest.
Should you find all of the slots for your chosen type of appointment have been taken, or you are unable to access the system and require an appointment time, please drop us an email at info@howley.dudley.sch.uk and we will endeavour to make the necessary arrangements.